강다니엘 서울콘 막콘 Wanna One World Tour <ONE: THE WORLD> - 직캠, 움짤 모음
Wanna One World Tour <ONE: THE WORLD> 월드투어 in Seoul
180603 워너원 엑스콘 X-CON 서울콘 셋째날
180603 월드투어 ONE:THE WORLD in 서울
— SHINE ON DANIEL✨_샤인온다니엘 (@SHINE_ON_DANIEL) 2018년 6월 4일
06/01-06/03 3일간의 콘서트 소감
콘서트 티켓팅 포도밭을 봤다는 다니엘..
컴퓨터 뭐써...? ㅠㅠ 포도밭을 보았다니.... 🍇
Naver 📺 : https://t.co/88A5u4dOuP#강다니엘 #KangDaniel #WannaOne #워너원 pic.twitter.com/BC4nc0VeG2
강단이덕후 - https://youtu.be/4U5EqEtIjD0
BLUE PEACH - https://youtu.be/bg4qsPvL3OI
Daniele 961210 - https://youtu.be/j5G2eYtYgfk
Daniele 961210 - https://youtu.be/2TVDeXxT97U
강다니엘 독무 Solo Dance
Shooting Star - https://youtu.be/2nlC2Jvg_oI
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/2kCuxf6k0Tc
GIRIN PEACH - https://youtu.be/6xpVRUsehSg
Boomerang 부메랑
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/XyxZFJvuWa4
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/BaTj6kGcBow
Twilight 트와일라잇
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/uQj1ShwYjx0
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/I46W5bymxkg
Shooting Star - https://youtu.be/dDuuqIWplzo
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/K-xgPi_YjHo
Hongik Peach - https://youtu.be/wlbB7_Pk8_s
boogi ssi - https://youtu.be/IGhNy6frShA
Kang daniluv - https://youtu.be/GrkY6pkm254
Kang daniluv - https://youtu.be/ArSRrMDFsCw
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/3ofxaK3hhEU
Kang daniluv - https://youtu.be/K6zriehQ1o0
강별구름달녤 - https://youtu.be/5FKB_2MmFh4
트리플 포지션 - 캥거루
Born to Be - https://youtu.be/-VEIxdpy_4c
boogi ssi - https://youtu.be/NXZ7Qsw7u6s